Healthy Synergy Nonprofit Corporation is a nonprofit organization, recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, providing community and outreach programs that empowers and prepares youth for adulthood and college in the Washington DC (DMV) area. This organization forms partnerships with local school districts, universities, juvenile detention centers, and other community programs to most efficiently reach those in need.
Individuals and society in general have been known to benefit from students completing a college degree program yet according to a study performed by Complete College America, the current generation will be the first in American history to be less educated than their parents.
Healthy Synergy’s goal is to foster a commitment to our youth that will promote lifelong learning, strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope in their future. Only through personal relationships, support, and positive reinforcement can a sense of individual accountability be developed that will give youth the assurance to follow through on a path to adulthood with confidence and the tools needed to succeed.
It's never too early to start preparing for the future!
Changing the world , one child at a time.
Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege
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